Aleph Inf tinuum Services

Bridge Silos

Talent does not go unacknowledged.


Aleph Infotinuum Services staff

The best, as always, get first credit. There is tremendous effort involved in designing and maintaining this web site, from content and styling to the scripted functionality which enables dynamic interactivity and a rich user experience.

There are insufficient words in any language to express how much AIS appreciates the tireless contributions of its web development and QA/QC teams. Money talks, of course, so let's see if we can work together for the mutual benefit of your infotinnum initiative and our desire for talent retention.

Third Parties: stylesheets

The styling for this web site is based on custom CSS3 properties that have as their foundational framework:

Third Parties: scripts

The scripts which power AIS site dynamics are custom-coded implementations of the following API libraries:

Third Parties: fonts

Icons for buttons and popup notices and text decorations appear courtesy of the Font Awesome group of web fonts.

Third Parties: images

There are many great images on this site, including:

Third Parties: blog engines

This site includes a blog, Managing The Infotinuum, which uses WordPress as its content & control engine.